The 60-Day Rollover Rule for Retirement Plans

The IRS allows tax- and penalty-free rollovers from one tax-advantaged retirement plan or account to another, but only if you follow the 60-day rollover rule. The rule requires you to deposit all your funds into a new individual retirement account (IRA), 401(k), or another qualified retirement account within 60 days of the distribution.

If you fail to meet the 60-day deadline, your retirement funds will be subject to income taxes. And, if you're under 59½, an early withdrawal penalty will also apply.

Key Takeaways

  • The 60-day rollover rule says you must reinvest money from one retirement account into another within 60 days to avoid taxes and penalties.
  • With a direct rollover, funds are moved straight from one retirement account to another.
  • With an indirect rollover, you take funds from one retirement account and reinvest the money into another retirement account—or back into the same one.
  • The 60-day rollover rule primarily comes into play with indirect rollovers.
  • Some use the 60-day rollover rule as a way to access their retirement money if needed for a short time.

Direct vs. Indirect Rollovers

Most rollovers happen electronically with a direct rollover. For example, say you’ve left your job and want to roll over your 401(k) account into a traditional IRA. You can have your 401(k) plan administrator directly roll over the 401(k) money to the IRA you designate. You avoid taxes with this option.

With other direct rollovers, you can receive a check made out in the name of the new 401(k) or the IRA account, which you forward to your new employer’s plan administrator or the financial institution that has custody of your IRA. For most people, that option just adds a step, though it’s sometimes necessary if the plan administrator of your original plan can’t do a direct rollover. When you receive a check for a new account, taxes will not be withheld.

With an indirect rollover, you take control of the funds to roll over the money to a retirement account yourself. You can make an indirect rollover with all or some of the money in your account. The plan administrator or account custodian liquidates the assets. They, either mail a check made out to you or deposit the funds directly into your personal bank/brokerage account.

A transfer is when you move money from one retirement account type to a similar account type. A rollover is when you move money from one account type to another type.

How the 60-Day Rollover Rule Works

The 60-day rollover rule primarily applies to indirect rollovers, which the IRS actually refers to as 60-day rollovers. You have 60 days from receiving an IRA or retirement plan distribution to roll it over or transfer it to another plan or IRA.

If you don’t roll over your funds, you may have to pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty and income taxes on the withdrawal amount if you are under 59½.

Many financial and tax advisors recommend direct rollovers because delays and mistakes are less likely. If the money goes straight to an account or a check’s made out to the account (not you), you have deniability in saying you ever actually took a taxable distribution should the funds not be deposited promptly.

Even with direct rollovers, you should aim to get the funds transferred within the 60-day window.

Using the 60-Day Rule

Why would you do an indirect rollover, given it has a 60-day deadline? Perhaps you need to use your funds during that time. The IRS rules say you have 60 days to deposit to another 401(k) or IRA—or to redeposit it to the same account. This latter provision basically gives you the option to use money from your account and then repay it within this timeframe.

This strategy primarily works with IRAs, as many—though not all—401(k) plans often allow you to borrow funds, paying yourself back over time with interest. Either way, the 60-day rollover rule can be a convenient way to access money from a retirement account on a short-term basis.

Taking temporary control of your retirement funds is simple enough. Have the administrator or custodian cut you a check. Then, do with it what you will. As long as you redeposit the money within 60 days of receiving it, it will be treated like an indirect rollover.

How Indirect Rollovers Are Taxed

When your 401(k) plan administrator or your IRA custodian writes you a check, by law, they must automatically withhold a certain amount in taxes, usually 20% of the total. So you would get less than the amount that was in your account.

You will need to make up the amount withheld—the funds you didn’t actually get—when you redeposit the money if you want to avoid paying taxes.

For example, if you take a $10,000 distribution from your IRA, your custodian will withhold taxes—say, $2,000. If you deposit an $8,000 check within 60 days back into the IRA, you’ll owe taxes on the $2,000 withheld. If you make up the $2,000 from other sources of income and redeposit the entire $10,000, you won’t owe taxes.

There are three tax-reporting scenarios for indirect rollovers. Continuing with the example of taking a $10,000 distribution that is taxed $2,000:

  1. If you redeposit the entire amount you took out, including making up the $2,000 in taxes withheld, and you meet the 60-day limit, you can report the rollover as a nontaxable rollover.
  2. If you redeposit the $8,000 you took out, but not the $2,000 taxes withheld, you must report the $2,000 as taxable income, the $8,000 as a nontaxable rollover, and the $2,000 as taxes paid, plus the 10% penalty.
  3. If you fail to redeposit any of the money within 60 days, you should report the entire $10,000 as taxable income and $2,000 as taxes paid. If you’re under 59½, you’ll also report and pay the additional 10% penalty unless you qualify for an exception.

What Is the 60-Day Rollover Rule?

The 60-day rollover rule permits tax- and penalty-free rollovers from one retirement account to another if the full amount is deposited within 60 days of being withdrawn. Failure to meet the 60-day deadline means the funds will be treated as a withdrawal. They are then subject to income tax and potential early withdrawal penalties.

How Does the 60-Day Rollover Rule Work?

The 60-day rollover rule requires that you deposit all the funds from a retirement account into another IRA, 401(k), or another qualified retirement account within 60 days. If you don’t follow the 60-day rule, the funds withdrawn will be subject to taxes and an early withdrawal penalty if you are younger than 59½. Understanding how the 60-day rollover rule works is crucial, particularly regarding indirect rollovers.

What Is an Indirect Rollover?

An indirect rollover occurs when funds from one retirement account are paid directly to the account holder, who then reinvests the money into another retirement account—or back into the same one. This differs from a direct rollover, where the money is transferred directly from one retirement account to another.

The Bottom Line

Using a rollover to move money from one tax-advantaged retirement account to another can be tricky with an indirect rollover. It's crucial to understand the 60-day rollover rule, which requires you to deposit all your funds into a new IRA, 401(k), or another qualified retirement account within 60 days. If you miss the deadline, the distribution will be subject to income tax and an early withdrawal penalty if you're under age 59½.

Also, remember that during any 12-month period, you’re allowed only one indirect IRA rollover. However, direct rollovers and trustee-to-trustee transfers between IRAs aren’t limited to one per 12 months, nor are rollovers from traditional to Roth IRAs.

Advisor Insight

Rebecca Dawson
President, Dawson Capital, Los Angeles, CA

If you withdraw funds from a traditional IRA, you have 60 days to return the funds, or you will be taxed. If you are under 59½, you will also pay a 10% penalty unless you qualify for an early withdrawal under these scenarios:

  • After the IRA owner reaches 59½ 
  • Death
  • Total and permanent disability
  • Qualified higher-education expenses
  • First-time home buyers up to $10,000
  • Amount of unreimbursed medical expenses
  • Health insurance premiums paid while unemployed
  • Certain distributions to qualified military reservists called to duty
  • In-plan Roth IRA rollovers or eligible distributions contributed to another retirement plan within 60 days

There's one other option: A little-known section of the IRS tax code allows substantially equal periodic payments annually before 59½. It stipulates that you take money out of your IRA for five years or until age 59½, whichever is longer.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Internal Revenue Service. "Rollovers of Retirement Plan and IRA Distributions."

  2. Internal Revenue Service. "Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans."

  3. Internal Revenue Service. "Rollover Chart."

  4. Internal Revenue Service. "Retirement Topics - Exceptions to Tax on Early Distributions."

  5. Internal Revenue Service. "Retirement Plans FAQs regarding Substantially Equal Periodic Payments."

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